Center Forward CEO, Cori Kramer appeared on Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power” Podcast to discuss the latest Center Forward voter analysis
Cori spoke with Joe Mathieu and Kailey Leinz at Bloomberg to discuss the results of Center Forward’s 2025 Voter Research Journals, which explores voters’ lived experiences, attitudes, and motivations before and after the recent presidential election.

Hillman and Carter Highlight Trade, Security, and Economic Priorities Ahead of USMCA Review
Businesses and governments across North America are actively preparing for the review and renegotiation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), scheduled to begin in 2026. In anticipation of these critical discussions, Center Forward is fostering dialogue among embassy officials, members of Congress, and business leaders to emphasize the vital role of international trade in supporting U.S. economic strength and national security, and fostering a stronger relationship with our neighbor to the north – Canada.

Center Forward Agriculture Summit Highlights Bipartisan Cooperation Among Policymakers
Agriculture and rural development have historically been arenas in which policymakers work across the aisle to support America’s farmers and rural communities. In July, Center Forward hosted its inaugural Agriculture Summit, a half-day policy conference that highlighted Members of Congress, Administration officials, and congressional staff who are committed to continuing this tradition of bipartisan cooperation.

Ciscomani and Vasquez Champion Bipartisanship in Shaping Economic Relations with Mexico
Congressional Leaders, Mexican Embassy, and Business Community Join Forces for Productive Dialogue with Center Forward on USMCA and Bilateral Trade
Center Forward’s “Protect our Economy” Project Highlights Broad Opposition to “Basel III Endgame” and its Impacts
New analysis shows 97 percent of 356 comment letters opposed.
Braun and Manchin Raise the Alarm on National Debt and Federal Budget in Bipartisan Panel
As Congress inches closer to another fight over government spending in early 2024, Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) and Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) joined Center Forward CEO Cori Kramer for a bipartisan discussion focused on reigning in the federal budget and U.S. debt.
Gluesenkamp Perez, Joyce, Kuster, and Valadao Lead the Way on Bipartisanship, Governing in Congress
In a recent event organized by Center Forward, a nonprofit committed to fostering bipartisan dialogue among Members of Congress, a panel discussion in Washington, D.C. brought together representatives from various House caucuses that are committed to working together to deliver for the American people.
ICYMI: “Updates from the Hill”
ICYMI there were bicameral and bipartisan committee hearings with financial regulators on the state of the economy.
Center Forward Launches New Project: “Protect our Economy”
Campaign is the latest of the organization’s efforts to educate on the potential pitfalls for stalling U.S. economic growth.
Survey: Democrat, Republican, Independent Voters Agree Capping Federal Student Loans for Parents and Grad Students a Necessary Step Toward Addressing Student Debt Crisis
Today, Global Strategy Group and Center Forward released a survey of 1,000 registered voters nationwide on Americans’ attitudes on education debt.