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Polling & Research

WA-10 Polling – September 2021

Published on July 21, 2023

Center Forward conducted district specific research in WA-10 on the value of bipartisanship and priority of issues for voters

  • Survey was conducted by telephone (landline and cell) with 400 likely voters, 95% confidence level and +/-5% margin of error.
  • Most voters in the district support fiscal responsibility and want Congress to take a bipartisan approach.
  • More than six in ten (62%) voters say that ensuring that every person who is a resident of the United States gets access to affordable health care that is equitable and transparent is a top priority.
  • Voters in the district identify the coronavirus (38%) and the economy/jobs (30%) as the most important issues that need to be addressed, they want policymakers to take a fiscally responsible approach.
  • The majority (52%) believe that the federal government needs to spend responsibly to keep the national debt and inflation in check versus 44% who believe that the federal government should spend as much as it takes to help the post-pandemic economic recovery.