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Polling & Research

The Future of Healthcare and the Workforce – October 2024

Published on October 11, 2024

In a rapidly evolving workforce, adults in the U.S. are most concerned about the escalating costs of healthcare and the implications of aging, with surprisingly less worry about job automation. Center Forward commissioned a poll with Morning Consult to dig into these issues.

Those surveyed were asked about their concerns over increased automation in the workplace. Respondents were also presented with statements about fee-for-service based care and value-based care to gauge their knowledge and perceptions of the different models.

Key Takeaways:


1. Adults are most concerned with the cost of healthcare and with aging as issues facing the workforce in the U.S. There is less concern around the automation of jobs.

2. Adults are more familiar with fee-for-service care (46%) than they are with value-based care (37%). Despite higher levels of familiarity, after brief definitions of both, a plurality (40%) said value-based care would deliver better quality healthcare than fee-for-service (24%).

3. More adults also say that fee-for-service based care (35%) would lead to higher costs than value-based care (28%).

4. After giving the pros of both sides, a plurality (40%) prefer value-based care.

Survey Methodology:

This poll was conducted by Morning Consult for Center Forward between September 27 – September 28, 2024 among a sample of 2,202 adults. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.